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The physical Open Lab is a 20,000-square-foot R&D space with a mission to create a dynamic hub for the industry's entire value chain. It is a duo of sections – the Pilot Plant and the Fashion Future Lab.

Pilot Plant

Pilot Plant

Fashion Future Lab

Fashion Future Lab

Pilot Plant

A mini textiles recycling line for industrial-scale demonstrations and trials of technologies, installing a circular production system that can inspire and encourage the industry to adopt similar practices.

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Industrial-scale demonstration and trial of technologies

A circular production system that can inspire and encourage the industry to adopt similar practices, thereby maximising the impact on climate change mitigation.

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AI-powered Smart Garment Sorting System for Recycling

An automated garment sorting system that recycles garments from local partners, allowing reusable items to be identified and separated for resale.

Our Facilities

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Pilot Plant 2
Green Machine 2.0
PET Fibre Decolouring
Water Recycling System
Smart Garment Sorting System for Recycling
Mechanical Recycling
Green Machine 2.0

Recycle PET-cotton blended post-consumer textiles fibres using hydrothermal treatment to separate the mixed fibres.

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PET Fibre Decolouring

Adsorb the dyes and remove the colour on PET fibres using crosslinked polystyrene (PS) beads and activated carbon (AC) particles.

Pp Facilities Decolour
Water Recycling System

Use advanced oxidation processes (AOP) to keep used water in the best condition for recycling.

Pp Facilities Wastewater

Perform repetitive tasks of machine loading and unloading of textiles using a mobile robot to reduce manual work.

Pp Facilities Mech 1
Smart Garment Sorting System for Recycling

Identify the type, fabric structure, material composition and colour of post-consumer garments with the aid of artificial intelligence and image analysis.

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Mechanical Recycling

Recycle PET fibres from the Green Machine into new fibres for reuse in textiles manufacturing.

Pp Facilities Mech

Fashion Future Lab

It is a modular research space for early-stage solutions opening to collaborate.

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The first project of Fashion Future Lab that covers a location-independent production line from hydroponic cotton cultivation to yarn processing and garment knitting.

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Modular & Dynamic

A modular and dynamic space that showcases emerging and forward-thinking ideas from researchers, partners, research institutes, start-ups and NGOs.

Our Facilities

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Fashion Future Lab 2
Cotton Farming
Opening, Cleaning & Carding
Ring Spinning
Doubling & Twisting
Cotton Farming

Cultivate extra-long staple (ELS) cotton using vertical hydroponic farming.

Ff Facilities Cotton

Remove the seeds from cotton fibres.Remove the seeds from cotton fibres.

Ff Facilities Ginning
Opening, Cleaning & Carding

Open fabric pieces into small tufts and divide them into fibre clumps. Separate fibre clumps into individual fibres and orient them into sliver.


Elongate several slivers into one to straighten fibres and improve evenness.Elongate several slivers into one to straighten fibres and improve evenness.

Ring Spinning

Feed sliver into spinning machine and twist fibres into single yarn.

Doubling & Twisting

Twist single yarns into ply yarn to enhance strength and balance torque.


Produce a variety of garments such as sweater and dress using 3D knitting technology.

Virtual Tour

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