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Open Lab, a pioneering initiative by HKRITA and H&M Foundation, emerges as a transformative force within the textile and fashion industry. With a 20,000-square-foot physical space and a technological database housing over 80 sustainable projects, the lab embodies a mission to create a dynamic hub for the industry’s entire value chain.

Our Approach

Open Lab develops agile solutions for the textile, clothing and fashion industry to address climate change by:

  • Showcasing innovative solutions 
  • Providing a collaborative platform for industry-wide partnerships
  • Contributing to problem-solving and resource optimisation 
Meetingroom Edit

Research Focuses

Renewable & Recycled Materials
Environmental-friendly Treatment
Energy & Water Saving Manufacturing
GHG & Carbon Negative Solutions
Green Materials & Process
Organic Materials & Regenerative Practices

Our research focuses references the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs):

E Web Goal 06 E Web Goal 09 E Web Goal 11 E Web Goal 12 E Web Goal 13 E Web Goal 17

Any exciting ideas on driving the sustainable change of the textile industry?